Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 12 - 8/4/05 Final Day

August 4th, 2005

Our special journey of love is closing, but only the prologue is over. This is the beginning of a lifetime adventure. We will share tragedies and triumphs, disappointments and joy, and through it all we will grow together. That’s what life is about…how we grow each day and find ways to glorify God in all we do and are. That’s what we pray for Marissa and all the families who have opened their hearts to the special children God has chosen for them. That’s what we want for those of you who have cared enough to take this journey with us.

Today we did last minute shopping and tried to figure out how in the world we are going to get the goodies we purchased home! I think we need one of the freight ships we see on the Pearl River outside our window each day. We have many items to give to Marissa to show her the art and customs of the land she was born in, the country that God allowed to care for our daughter before He placed her with us.

Tonight we had dinner with Ed and baby Emily, and Shannon, Carmen, and baby Sophia, friends from our journey. We’ll all be ready with bags packed at 4:30 AM to prepare to leave for the airport.

We will continue to post a few more things as we get Marissa home, but for now…there’s much to do and we have a 3:00 AM wake-up call!

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