Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 3 - Bonding Day

July 26th, 2005

Today was a “free day” for the families. We’ve all enjoyed getting acquainted, but no one really wanted to plan outings together today. We all needed a day without a schedule and time to bond with our new babies on our own pace.

Marissa felt so much better this morning. She slept 8 hours (not that mom or dad did) and her antibiotics and new cough medicine (from the clinic last night) are helping her to get well. Today she battled constipation and we finally used a baby lax to get her to go to the bathroom. She was pretty miserable until then. She was much happier after her problem was resolved, but our room had a new scent…ode to poo poo. Don’t think we’ll bottle it.

Marissa showed her bossier side today. The day went according to her plan, and we enjoyed every minute. She showed more of her personality and laughed quite a bit during one-on-one playtime. She kept reaching out to our faces and stroking them. She’s got some sharp fingernails, but won’t let me cut them yet. She doesn’t want me to hold her hand that long yet. I won’t force it, but will try again and eventually get them trimmed. In the meantime, we may have to call her “Blade.”

Her cutest picture today was at bathtime. She loves being naked and wrapped in the huge, soft towel. Marissa loves soft things and strokes her face with them. Her favorite blanket has been the soft, pink one from Glenda. She also loves a small soft fleece blanket with a bear head at the corner. She brings it with her when we go out and she rubs her face with it while sucking two fingers. She developed many ways to soothe herself at the orphanage. I feel so sad for the babies who get little stimulation and discover their own ways to comfort and entertain themselves. Marissa makes many sounds and likes to click and suck her tongue. Many of the other babies do the same things. She’s pretty funny when she plays and makes the sounds.

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