Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 7 - 7/30/05 Gone Shopping

July 30th, 2005

This morning the rain poured. We were supposed to go to the Guangzhou Zoo, and a few members of our travel group did go, but we stayed “home.” We took an extra long time at the breakfast buffet, then toured the hotel and took pictures of the waterfall and fish Marissa loves to watch, and other things. A fifteen year-old Chinese American (born here, but living in NY) was visiting to see where she was born, and she came over to talk to us about Marissa because she thought she was cute.
This afternoon we shopped with Ed and Emily. Many vendors asked Ed “where your wife?” They found it hard to believe that a daddy could come to China by himself and do a good job withthe baby. Well, MaryBeth “trained him well.” We told them he is doing a good job. We all had fun.
Some items we thought we’d buy we didn’t, because we couldn’t get the vendors to bargain as much as we wanted them too, and we got pretty good deals on other items. Mommy and Daddy love the Chinese embroidery and picked up a few little items, along with some hand-painted vases. We also chose fabric to have a Chinese outfit made for Marissa. She will wear it at the end of our stay in China, most likely at the group dinner.

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