Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 8 - 7/31/05 Visa Paperwork

July 30th, 2005

We have now had Marissa for a week! By this time next week, she should be in her new home, sleeping in her new bed. She’ll feel like a princess!
This morning Marissa has been playing silly games with mommy and daddy. She also napped on daddy’s chest, wrapped up in her favorite soft, pink blanket. Mommy and Marissa visited the playroom today to see what toys Marissa was interested in playing with, and they also took long walks around the hotel because Marissa was a fussy girl.
This afternoon daddy completed paperwork to get Marissa’s visa. This evening we all went to dinner with a couple we met at the airport before we went to meet our group and go to the White Swan who just adopted a 12 month old baby from a different orphanage than Marissa’s. You can see photos of some of what the local restaurant offered, but no one in our group tried them! Everyone stuck with traditional Chinese food, but daddy did try tea, which is a first. After dinner we all took a long walk and chatted. Marissa was too tired from her busy day, so she demanded an early dinner and fell asleep without her bath.

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